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Noushka Galley Art; Culture & creativity
18 Sep 2018 - Noushka Galley
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handmade with love

another throwback post

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handmade with love

another throwback post

I miss the days when I could play with clay and make random stuff to sell. But I am also grateful that I've gotten more focussed and am working hard to hone my illustration skills so each book that get's published is stronger and leaves a more impactful legacy than the last!

Get in touch using the details on my home page if you have a book in need of that extra special spark to bring it to life!


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Noushka Galley Fundraising & charity
17 Sep 2018 - Noushka Galley
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Sensory Processing

A look back at some of the autism questions groups have raised and I contributed my answers to. Do share and comment if the information below is interesting and helpful to yourself or people you may know!

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Sensory Processing

A look back at some of the autism questions groups have raised and I contributed my answers to. Do share and comment if the information below is interesting and helpful to yourself or people you may know!


Because I am fairly alert and observant I am very aware of what I see and any changes to my sight, which helps my opticians keep up to date. I also use the computer a lot and can work using a very dimmed backlight. Bright or florescent light and colours reduce my appetite, especially when they are paired with a contrasting or similar colour (e.g. red and gray, or red and florescent pink). I am careful about my own clothes and have to think of polite comments when someone shows me a bright outfit and asks my opinion! I am much better with sparkly things than when I was a child and I had an absolute phobia of the colour red. I don’t mind it as much but neon colours still make my eyes ache…

I also have a thin retena so blood-cells in my eye create a static tv effect on my vision. It is very noticeable on plain surfaces, and in the dark. It’s less noticable when I look at grass and gravel.



I bring earplugs just in case but this sense fluctuates depending on how tired or anxious I am. Sometimes my state can affect how sensitive I am, but other times noisy environments drain me or set me on edge. I do counting and close my eyes to reduce visual sensory stress but sometimes I still end up stimming after a tiring day, until I get to a quieter place.



I am actually hyposensitive to taste and don’t make a great connoisseur for food and drink. I also don’t like gum as the sound and texture is distracting and outweigh the benefit of the taste. I do however have a low tolerance for spicy food and even Chinese-style curry can be too hot for my pallet!



Smell can really affect my appetite and the first thing I experience when I am run down is a smell in the back of my throat. It might be psychological, as it doesn’t affect my actual breath. I also smell sewage much stronger than other people and I have resorted to using a scarf or mask (like in East Asia) to reduce it a bit. I keep body spray in my bag in case it turns out to me. It can come in useful when I am the first to smell gas leaks.



Weirdly enough, I have to wash and dry my hands half way through washing up as I don’t like my hands to stay soapy or wet for more than 10 minutes. If I don’t do this, my co-ordination gets really bad and my focus wavers so I end up almost breaking things. I keep hand cream in my bag in case I handle dusty stock at the shop I volunteer at, and also hand wipes for when I eat food, or touch something slimy or sticky by accident. My face gets very oily when I’m even slightly warm so wipes a gentle way of drying my face without having to use loads of spot creams which can dry skin out too much with daily use.


Senses “blending”

Sound if at a high pitch or loud enough volume can have a metallic flavour for the duration but doesn’t leave an after-taste so I know it is a psychological experience. In some cases I also get phantosmia triggered by certain colours or stressful circumstances. These aren’t entirely to do with sensory input, but it does affect my sense of smell and thought it was worth mentioning.

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40 passion points
Noushka Galley Art; Culture & creativity
11 Sep 2018 - Noushka Galley
Did you know?


Throwback to a few years ago when I first started getting into freelance business.

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Throwback to a few years ago when I first started getting into freelance business.

Things have developed drastically as I've learned so much along the way!
You are welcome to visit my site for more details and to get in touch with books you need illustrating, or an idea you need design work for

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Noushka Galley People & community
05 Sep 2018 - Noushka Galley

Introducing Noushka - a talented artist who promotes awareness of autism

Hi everyone!
As a youtuber I thought it would be helpful to make a little trailer for my channel to let you guys know what sort of content I produce! It's a mixed bag of goodies so please subscribe as I vlog and learn, bringing you as viewers along for the ride :D

My YouTube Channel

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60 passion points
Your Place Your Space Photography
13 Sep 2017 - Your Place Your Space

People inspired - introducing Daniel diagnosed with autism at age 30

Diagnosed with autism in his adult years at the age of 30, Daniel is one of many people who continue to find inspiration through abilities and talents that can be realised with the right outlet and given the right opportunity. In Daniel's case it's been photography and the opportunity to pursue this passion in Birmingham.     

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People inspired - introducing Daniel diagnosed with autism at age 30

Diagnosed with autism in his adult years at the age of 30, Daniel is one of many people who continue to find inspiration through abilities and talents that can be realised with the right outlet and given the right opportunity. In Daniel's case it's been photography and the opportunity to pursue this passion in Birmingham.     

Daniel Sturley is an inspired amateur photographer who lives in Birmingham


From the age of 7, Daniel has been fascinated by photography, and owned his first camera at 10.  He would take photos whilst on family holidays in Wales and he particularly enjoyed capturing the thrills at local rallycross meetings, and, of course taking photos of their cats!


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‘Bonnie’ 1988


Daniel loves visiting cities, and has been lucky enough to find himself in some great cities where he's been able to endulge his passion for photography.

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The 102nd floor of the Empire State Building 2005


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New York City 2005


Daniel moved to Birmingham in 1994 and quickly realised what the city offers a photographer, in particular its civic spaces, parks, variations of architecture, and, of course, the canals.


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Birmingham 2003


In 1998, at the age of 30, he was diagnosed with autism (Asperger’s syndrome) and started to understand more about why he had ‘special interests’ and photography of architecture and construction has grown as a particular specialism of Daniel's.  


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Birmingham 2014


In May 2016, Daniel won ’The Cube Photographer of the Year’, and later that year helped bring together passionate and talented photographers across Birmingham to produce the first ever 'Birmingham Gems' calendar for charity.


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The Cube, Birmingham 2016



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