I maintain a blog on my site linked on both this post and on my profile.
Please show your support by checking out my work and feel free to get in touch if you like the look of my working methods and want me to illustrate or edit anything for you.


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First completed university project submitted

I maintain a blog on my site linked on both this post and on my profile.
Please show your support by checking out my work and feel free to get in touch if you like the look of my working methods and want me to illustrate or edit anything for you.


I am being encouraged by my university to record work including development, explain concepts and pre4sent final work to a profession standard. It gets me into a good habit for when I compile my portfolio later this year.

Below are some pages from a PDF presenting my work from a project I just handed in.

There are several briefs included and all my solutions are derived from my collection of Japanese artefacts gathered over the Summer months.